Accurate Laboratories, Inc.

J.A.King Audit Preparation

J.A. King is audited by A2LA every other year at each of our 15 laboratories. This provides a great deal of experience at preparing for audits, which we offer to our customers.  Take a look at some of the benefits of using our audit preparation: 

Pre-audit training and coaching
Get valuable training and coaching sessions leading up to your audit so your personnel can be prepared for the road ahead.

Gap analysis of current calibration and quality system
With a complete gap analysis of your systems, uncover the strong points as well as the areas that may need improvement before an audit so you can reduce the chance of an audit finding.

On-call support during audit
During an audit, one of our quality managers can come to your facility and be on call should you or your auditor have any questions or concerns about the calibration J.A. King provides.

For more information about J.A. king audit preparation services, check out